About Me
Pst….I have a confession to make. I hate talking about myself. I love to write, just not about, well, me. So, these About sections always fill me with existential dread. Will I do it right? Will anyone read it? Does anyone even care?
As a poet, I find these emotions become a panicky lifeline, a reason to procrastinate and *not* do the thing I don’t want to do. But as a business-minded author, I know I must not just get past the stomach-dropping emotions. I have to put myself out there so my readers can know more about me – and hopefully connect with my work. So, for those of you still reading – be gentle.
I have always been more of a jack-of-all-trades type of person. I have been everything from soldier to mother to analyst to business owner. Not one of these things defines me; instead, the combination of all my experiences has shaped me into the writer I am today. While I love to retell stories and make people laugh, my poetry tends to be a little more “dark and stormy.” Delving into topics and voices that may be more taboo than mainstream is where I am most comfortable – it is a way to explore the places we don’t always let ourselves go to for fear of being sucked in and never being able to escape. I hope to find the bridges from the foggy areas we fear to tread into a lighter place. I love to explore, not only when I travel the world with my family but in my writing as well. I sit at my desk or in a coffee shop and explore how far I can stretch the words and sentences that I dream up. Or maybe how I can mold them into submission and create something that wasn’t there before.
My fuel of choice for these days (and nights) of writing is coffee – either in latte form or black as midnight, just depending on time of day. It is also my fuel of choice for the rest of my life – not just the business side but the mother and friend sides of me as well. If you are ever searching for the perfect gift for a procrastinating poet, anything with caffeine is a safe choice!