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Brandy Prettyman
May 15, 20241 min read
Burn Your Boats
Legend has it that upon arriving in present day Mexico, Cortés gave the order to "burn the boats," a physical manifestation of his desire...
Brandy Prettyman
Sep 2, 20222 min read
Living with (great) Intent
And now...the rest of the story! After the roller-coaster ride of the last few months, I wanted to take some time off and relax just a...

Brandy Prettyman
Aug 29, 20221 min read
Long Time Coming
Has it really been that long since I have sat down here at this computer to write?! I look back at my Happy Holidays post and consider...

Brandy Prettyman
Dec 23, 20211 min read
Happy Holidays
Has it really been over 7 months since I last posted?! I have no excuses - I let life take over and didn't pay attention to getting posts...

Brandy Prettyman
May 29, 20213 min read
Where in the world is she?
If you are like many of my friends and acquaintances, you have been wondering where in the world I have been over the past 5 months. I...

Brandy Prettyman
Jan 18, 20212 min read
Incredible Things on an Incredible Day
Today's the day! I think I've been more like a kid on Christmas morning than a professional writer today - my first run of Forbidden...
Brandy Prettyman
Jan 1, 20212 min read
Happy New Year!
Well, here we are - a new year! I have spent the last month at my parents’ home in Florida - spending time with them in a way I haven't...

Brandy Prettyman
Dec 2, 20202 min read
Pre Sale!
It is officially December (okay, okay - so it was officially December yesterday - but I'm a procrastinator, what can I say?) Regardless,...
Brandy Prettyman
Nov 30, 20202 min read
Final Day of NaNo
Procrastinators Unite! Today is the final day of NaNoWriMo - that beast of a challenge writers put themselves through to write 50,000...

Brandy Prettyman
Nov 28, 20201 min read
Happy Saturday!
Horatio decided I needed to get out of the house, but not too far. So here we are in the backyard, typing away on my laptop by the fire...

Brandy Prettyman
Nov 27, 20201 min read
Thanksgiving Week - The Final Day
I hope your Thanksgiving Day festivities (for those of you celebrating) were as great as mine! Thanksgiving Day Pizza was a smashing...

Brandy Prettyman
Nov 26, 20202 min read
Meet Horatio!
Writing can be a lonely and it can be illusive. To help with the lonely part, writers will find communities of like-minded authors to...

Brandy Prettyman
Nov 25, 20201 min read
Thanksgiving Week - Day 3
Strike Two! So two days into Thanksgiving Week and I have struck out a second time with my menu. This time there wasn't a soul in my...

Brandy Prettyman
Nov 24, 20201 min read
Thanksgiving Week - Day 2
Okay, Okay. So yesterday I was all full of myself because the stuffing was *amaze-balls*. And now I must humble myself and say that only...

Brandy Prettyman
Nov 23, 20201 min read
Happy Thanksgiving Week - Day 1
Anyone that knows me knows I *love* to be in the kitchen (almost as much as I love writing!) So it should come then as no surprise that I...

Brandy Prettyman
Nov 23, 20201 min read
My New Journey Journal
I've never been very good at blogging on a regular basis. I have tried, over the years, but I always seem to go back to the arena of self...
Journey Journal: Blog2
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