Forbidden Fruit

December 18, 2020
Forbidden Fruit: Poems of Love, Loss, Hope and Regret, Brandy L Prettyman's latest work, is a collection of poetry that aims to shine a light on those thoughts in the darkest parts of all of us; a place where despair seems too close and love all too fleeting to be any barometer of truth. They are meant to guide us through those blackest of feelings back into a place we can see the good; a way for us all to express the unimaginable and realize we are all capable of regret and loss, but more importantly, love and hope.
Order your copy today!
Dust Kicked Up

December 1, 2020
Brandy L Prettyman's poem Dust Kicked Up can be found in The Nebraska Writers Guild's fourth anthology, Voices from the Plains: Volume IV.
Exploring free verse once again, Brandy highlights how every day life can be changed with just a single visit to your door.
Support poets and authors by picking up a copy today!
The First Day

December 2, 2019
The Nebraska Writers Guild's third anthology is where Brandy L Prettyman's poem The First Day found its first home.
This free verse poem explores the loss a newly married woman feels after the death of her husband.
Support poets and authors by picking up a copy today!

January 15, 2020
Nestled within the pages of this poetry chapbook curated by The Nebraska Writers Guild you will find my contribution: Evolution.
This poem is an example of a villanelle; a fixed form poem comprised of nineteen lines and a strict pattern of repetition and a rhyme scheme.
Support poets and authors by picking up your own copy today!